lass izes
Generally class sizes are small. The under 13 age group numbers remain
anywhere from 4-15 children. It's preferable to keep class sizes to a
manageable level, this way I'm able to pay more individual attention to
each child, and children learn better in this group environment. More
than 15 diminishes the individual attention each child receives. I strive
to strike a balance between individual instruction and group learning in
order to help the dancer achieve their full potential.
hildren's eginner lasses
At this stage students master the basic movements required.
We focus on body posture and work heavily on feet positions and
rhythm. Rhythm is the key to Irish Dancing and learning to find
the rhythm and count the bars of music is crucial to any dancer.
Basic skills such as balance, coordination, memory, concentration,
endurance and strength are achieved through a warm up routine that
helps your prepare your muscles for dancing, emphasize flexibility
and helps prevent injuries.
In children's classes, we incorporate a game which utilizes the basic
1-2-3 and leaping movements.
It's fun and gives children the opportunity
to practice at a competitive level.
hildren's ntermediate lasses
More advanced students are encouraged to do their own warm up
before class. In addition to the soft shoe dances which are now
danced as a warm up, we introduce more difficult steps and new
rhythms. As dancers become more experienced, they require more
individual attention. They are introduced to the basic dances
required to compete at the beginners level.
dult eginners lasses
Whether you want to dance to stay fit, to become a professional dancer or for the
sheer enjoyment of it Irish dancing is a great work out and a lot of fun...that's
not to say there's no work involved. Irish dancing is no different than any other
"elite sport" which requires major aerobic endurance, physical strength, and pure
focus and concentration.
Adult classes remain small so that each individual can receive personal attention.
We begin learning the basic movements and body posture. Beginners learn to dance
the easy reel, light jig and slip jig. First we will walk through the movements
and then apply them to music. In no time, you'll be dancing the basics.
dult ntermediate/ dvanced lasses
Dancers may not learn a new step each week, but rest assured, that
they are learning constantly. Technique, style, discipline concentration
and focus are very important aspects of dancing. "Step happy" teachers
often ignore the finer points of dancing and technique is probably one
of the most important aspects.
Adults at the intermediate/advanced level have a solid understanding of
all of the soft shoe dances are able to perform them, and are familiar
with a hard shoe piece. Hard shoe dancing adds a whole new element to
the art of Irish dance, adding precussion to the technique. Irish dancing
becomes increasingly complex and the student is expected to practice in
order to keep up each week. As students progress, more class time can be
scheduled to meet the needs of the dancer.
racticing and ttendance
All students need to practice. A student who practices for at least 30 minutes a
day is obviously committed and will undoubtedly become a much better dancer.
Realistically students need to practice their new steps within a day of their
class in order to remember them correctly.
Regular attendance and practice are very important. A truly great dancer who is
missing classes regularly, will soon fall behind and may lose interest. In practice
and performance a successful dancer is a reliable dancer.
1) Dancers have to be prepared for class:
* Arrive early
* Shoes in double knots
* Water
* Shorts or dance togs, t-shirt, soft and hard shoes (no jeans permitted)
* Hair ties back and out of the face
* Practice steps at home
* cell phones off
2) Dancers must have positive attitude:
* Treat each other with respect
* Use class time to practice and learn
* Mind your teacher
3) Dancers must attend regularly:
* Please notify the instructor of any absences.
In addition, dancers are not permitted to run around or be disruptive in class.
Dancers are to refrain from chatting to one another while the instructor is teaching.
They are expected to help one another with steps, and are expected to respect and
listen to the teacher in charge..
Dancers will be corrected at all times for poor behaviour.
Parents are not permitted to wait while their child is dancing, unless it has been
coordinated with the instructor. There is usually an opportunity for parents to watch
how a class is progressing during a term.